Monday, February 18, 2008

Of CNY open houses.

Went to Ee Juen's house on Saturday for her annual open house. Got to meet up with old friends which is always very nice =). Because, I don't think that I will come back this July during winter break. Gambled a lot, but I didnt win much, this year is going to be a bad luck year for me. I can always tell from my gambling luck. hmmmph.

So, I thought, fine, nevermind tommorow during my open house I will win back my money. Who knows, lost even more??!! wtf
Wai ken was the dealer and he was so lucky. When I first ask him to be dealer,
YW: Wai ken, be dealer
WK: Dowan la, later I lose money
YW: Be dealer!!!

He should thank me man.

Anyway, the people who came to my place were evelyn, ching mei, sarahkate, crissida, emily+bf, chokyew+gf, joon heng, wai ken, eugene and niven.=)

Pictures below! Boy, I look fat in the pictures. wtf?? I shall diet more and eat less in Australia.
The only CNY goodies I am eating from now are mandarin oranges. No cookies , no chocolates (self control, self control!)
I hope my housemate and her bf plus friends wont feed we so much more anymore when I go back to Adelaide, or else I am going to be obese.
Cut down on Krispy Kremes, dougnuts, biscuits & nuts when I go back to Aus, and stop being so greedy and addicted to junk food, and exercise more also.

wai ken pulling a 'wai ken'.

wai ken, eugene and joon heng

crissida & ching mei

ching mei and me

emily, me yuet lin

everyone (ching mei, james, chok yew,me,
evelyn, ee juen)

sarah, me & crissida

me & evelyn

me & Chok yew

This guy accused me of not talking to his gf!! pffft Sorry lo, but his gf was so shy. She seemed really scared of me also. And I'm sure that I DONt look scary with my size.
After that, all of us moved to Sarah's place where Ee Juen joined us, where we played mafia!
But before that, we ate Sarah's famous konyaku jelly.=) I havent figured out how to link properly yet=S, or else I would link her blog post.
Ok, back to mafia, I am sooo not a good mafia. The 1st time I became a mafia, I got caught almost immediately. Apparently, i fidgeted too much, and my body language gave me away.=S
Joon Heng was really good, he managed to make me and Sarah turn against each other even though he was the mafia all along. Such a good actor, and highly skilled at the
Of course, when Sarah found out, he got a whacking. It was quite amusing.
All in all, it was good fun meeting up with everyone. Won't be seeing them for a year. I will sure miss everyone.

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